
Saturday, February 8, 2014

A little introduction

Welcome to Creative Play for Kids.
A little bit about myself. My name is Nicole and I started this blog to share ideas with parents, teachers, carers and everyone in between about how we can encourage children's learning through play. I am currently a stay at home mum to 3 boys (5, 3.5 and almost 1) but I also have a background and qualifications in early childhood. I love finding new experiences for my boys to do at home, often just using resources around the house. 

Experiences that are fun and exciting can also teach them something, without them feeling like they are being pressured into learning. There's so much children can learn whilst playing (which I will go into on another post), from literacy to numeracy, social to emotional skills and more. Of course structured learning has it's time and place like anything else, but it's not the only way.

I will be sharing experiences I have done at home, tips on how to set up the play environment, how we can be participants in their learning and also how we can step back and watch them learn without us. All this and more coming soon :)